How to setup Shelleg docs

Minimal requirements

  • python 2.7 or greater
  • virtualenv
  • All the requirements specified in requirements.txt

Full equirements

  • all Minimal requiremsnts
  • Vagrant (tested with 1.8.4)
  • Virtualbox (tested with 5.0.16)


Just execute vagrant up then point your browser @, every time you make a change and don’t want to push it yet but review it just run vagrant provision

ShellegDoc Playbook

This is pretty straight-forward / quick an dirty implementation of the

  • Install required packages
  • Create VirtualEnv 4 shellgDoc
  • Install pip requirements from requirements.txt
  • Execute make html
  • Clean /var/www/html
  • link /var/www/html to /vagrant/build/html

please note: this is like i said quick and dirty ...

For local development (on your local machine):

Everything you need is described in which used to be executed by vagrant, please note this file isn’t maintained anymore

It basically install’s all requirements and then runs make targets to get the docs served by sphinx-autobuild. worth noting: make html is the make targer that will build the site from ./source/... into ./build/* make watch uses sphinx-autobuild module to instatiate an http server on port 8000.

Minimal requirements, as specified above will suffice for local development.

install required packadges:

On ubuntu sudo apt-get install -y virtualenvwrapper python-pip python-dev bash-completion vim libjpeg-dev make

On MaxOSX install virtualenv & virtualenv wrapper via homebrew brew install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper

Create a virtualenv:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/Devel source /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper mkvirtualenv OSTKLdocs

Switch to virtualenv shellegDoc:

workon shellegDoc will force all python packages to be installed in the shallegDoc virtual environment

Install requirements in virtualenv shellegDoc:

cd /path/to/dir pip install -r requirements.txt

make html / watch

In the root folder execute make watch this will instatiate a web server listening on on port 8000 output should look like so:

$ make watch 
sphinx-autobuild -q --host source build/html

+--------- manually triggered build ---------------------------------------------

[I 160625 18:35:33 server:281] Serving on
[I 160625 18:35:33 handlers:59] Start watching changes
[I 160625 18:35:33 handlers:61] Start detecting changes
[I 160625 18:35:40 handlers:132] Browser Connected: http://localhost:8000/index.html